Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Utility Functions for RHQ CLI

I have done a fair amount of programming in Groovy, and one of the things that I have quickly gotten accustomed to is closures. Among other things, closure provide an elegant solution for things like iteration by encapsulating control flow. The following example illustrates this.

[1, 2, 3].each { println it }

When working in the CLI however, I have to fall back to a for loop. In the case of a JavaScript array, I do not have to worry about a loop counter.

var array = [1, 2, 3];
for (i in array) println(array[i]);

A lot of the remote APIs, particularly query methods, return a java.util.List. In these situations, I have to use a loop counter.

var list = new java.util.ArrayList();
for (i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) println(list.get(i));
Recently I had to write a script in which I was executing a number of criteria queries and then iterating over the results. Needless to say, I quickly found myself missing the methods in languages like Groovy and Ruby that provide control flow with closures; so, I wrote a few utility functions to make things a bit easier.
// Iterate over a JS array
var array = [1, 2, 3];
foreach(array, function(number) { println(number); });

// Iterate over a java.util.Collection
var list = new java.util.ArrayList();
foreach(list, function(number) { println(number); });

// Iterate over a java.util.Map
var map = new java.util.HashMap();
map.put(1, "ONE");
map.put(2, "TWO");
map.put(3, "THREE");
foreach(map, function(key, value) { println(key + " --> " + value); });

// Iterate over an object
var obj = {x: "123", y: "456", z: "678"};
foreach(obj, function(name, value) { println(name + ": " + value); }); 
The foreach function is fairly robust in that it provides iteration over several different types including JavaScript arrays, Java collections and maps, and generic objects. In the case of an array or collection, the callback function takes a single argument. That argument will be each of the elements in the array or collection. In the case of a map or object, the callback function is passed two arguments. For the map the callback is passed the key and the value of each entry. For a generic object, the callback is passed each of the object's properties' names and values.

The find function iterates over an array, collection, map, or object in the same way that foreach does. The callback function though is a predicate that should evaluate to true or false. Iteration will stop when the first match is found, that is when the predicate returns true, and that value will be returned. Here are a couple examples to illustrate its usage.
// Find first number less than 3
var array = [1, 2, 3]
// prints "1"
println("found: " + find(array, function(number) { number < 3; }));

// Find map entry with a value of 'TWO'
var map = new java.util.HashMap();
map.put(1, "ONE");
map.put(2, "TWO");
map.put(3, "THREE");
var match = find(map, function(key, value) { return value == 'TWO'; });
// prints "found: 2.0 --> TWO"
println("found: " + match.key + " --> " + match.value);  

When find is iterating over a generic object or map, the first match will be returned as an object with two properties - key and value. Lastly, there is a findAll function that is similar to find except that it returns all matches in a java.util.List.

These functions can be found in the RHQ git repo at rhq/etc/cli-scripts/util.js. These functions are neither part of nor distributed with the CLI; however, they may be included in a future release so that the functions would be available to any CLI script.

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